Governor Albert Bryan Jr. said that the administration started sending out checks and direct deposits this week for the 8% wage repayment established by the 2011 V.I. Economic Stability Act.
The V.I. Economic Stability Act, signed into law by Governor John de Jongh Jr. in 2011, cut the salaries of government employees by 8% for a two year period in order to close a $17.4 million budget gap that year.
The measure to restore the wage cuts passed the 34th Legislature this year, with the governor signing it into law in August. At that time, Gov. Bryan estimated that the government will use an estimated $45 to $50 million in order to repay the retroactive wages.
“This action marks a significant departure from a period of extreme austerity in which our government was actively discussing budget cuts, furloughs and payless paydays,” Governor Bryan said. “It demonstrates that the sound financial management of the Bryan-Roach Administration is paying dividends. This is especially evident when you consider the devastating economic impact of the 2017 hurricanes and the Covid-19 pandemic.”
The governor expressed gratitude to Senate President Donna Frett-Gregory and members of the 34th Legislature for passing the legislation. At the time of the cuts, the governor said, many people could not foresee the government ever finding itself in a position to return the axed wages to its employees.
“We are especially pleased to be able to deliver on this promise at this time of year as families prepare for the holiday season. We know that the high cost of electricity, food, and the overall inflation we are experiencing creates extreme stress in our community,” Governor Bryan said. “We hope that this week’s payments will prove to be a timely stimulus, at least for a few households.”
For more information on the wage repayments, eligible residents can check the Division of Personnel website ( to make sure their information in the Personnel database regarding the 8% repayment is correct.
To do so, click on the tab at the top of the web page for “Employees” then click the link that says “8% Salary Restoration.” The website also contains instructions for the survivors of government employees who are deceased and are owed money to receive those funds.
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