Editor’s note: The bill to name The Bridge to Nowhere in honor of Wayne “Facts Man” Adams was vetoed by Gov. Bryan. The governor’s veto message stated that: “The naming of roads, buildings, and bridges has typically been reserved for notable elected officials and renown [sic] public servants.”
Dear Editor,
Wayne “Facts Man” Adams.
I remember my first safari trip with Facts Man back in 2007 or thereabouts from Red Hook to town. What a ride! Another truly wonderful local part of the community and culture of St. Thomas, St. John. Over the next 15 years I was privileged on many occasions to hear Wayne give us the facts he chose to spread that day.
That said, I completely agree with Senator Alma Francis-Heyliger that Gov. Bryan’s veto and outright lame excuses are not in keeping with true V.I. tradition. It is exactly people like Wayne who have earned our public recognition and respect of their amazing personality. His entertaining and informative voice reached thousands of locals and visitors of all ages for years.