VI News Staff 11 months ago

End of an Era: Dr. Hall Leaves Legacy of Agricultural Advancement at UVI

The 2024 Agriculture and Food Fair will be the last for Dr. David Hall in an official capacity as he is set to retire as president of the University of the Virgin Islands in a few months.

Announcing his departure during Agrifest’s opening ceremony on Saturday, Dr. Hall thanked the people of the Virgin Islands for “giving me the opportunity to be part of the special community, to be able to serve and give back to this special and sacred industry.”

UVI has been intrinsically involved in keeping Agrifest “vibrant and alive” for several years, he said, and the university has made its own strides toward promoting the importance of agriculture in the territory with the introduction of new associates and bachelor of science degrees.

Apart from his role as UVI president, Dr. Hall serves as the co-chair of the Food and Farm Council - a body whose establishment is mandated under the Agriculture Plan - alongside Commissioner of Agriculture Louis Petersen.

The council, Dr. Hall explained, is “dedicated to raising the importance of agriculture in the territory.” He joked that while he “didn't grow anything in the last three years, I pray that the seeds that we have planted together in the Ag plan and in the Council will feed more Virgin Islanders for generations to come.”



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