We’ve listened to your feedback concerning your preference to do business with us online. You want the option to submit forms, evidence, and other information electronically. You also want to sign documents electronically before submitting them.
This year we released eSignature/Upload Documents as an option to submit documents. This new, online service option allows our employees to electronically request, and our customers to electronically submit, 50 forms and nearly 80 types of evidence. This option eliminates the need to mail, fax, or deliver information to a local Social Security office. By streamlining our document submission process and reducing mail, we are improving the way you do business with us.
How does it work?
1. Our employee sends the customer a link with the request for the forms and evidence we need to process their application.
2. The customer authenticates by signing in to, or creating, their personal my Social Security account at www.ssa.gov/myaccount. The customer then reviews the request, completes the form, electronically signs (when signatures are required), and uploads the completed forms and any supporting evidence to our portal.