AARP in The Virgin Islands is hailing the passage of Bill No. 34-0076, now Act No. 8468, which amends the existing law to grant seniors and the terminally ill preference in civil actions.
The VI Legislature voted in favor of the Bill on August 3, and it was signed into law by Governor Albert Bryan on August 16.
AARP V.I. testified during the Committee on Rules and Judiciary hearing in favor of the measure. The organization thanked bill sponsors Senators Janelle K. Sarauw and Alma Heyliger Francis and Co-Sponsor Carla Joseph. "AARP also thanks the members of the VI Legislature and the governor for ensuring the bill became law," stated the release.
Bill No. 34-0076 is an amendment that will reduce the length of civil proceedings for vulnerable Virgin Islanders. The bill provides a mechanism to accelerate hearing a civil case of older and terminally ill citizens and lessens the impact of delayed judgment.
"All too often, older Virgin Islanders or terminally ill people must cope with the stress they endure as they wait to get their affairs settled in court," said AARP V.I. In addition, they struggle and live daily with the fear that they can pass away prematurely and before their case is settled."