VI News Staff 3 years ago
VINStaff Verified #bvinews

Increased vehicle break-ins and farm thefts

The Royal Virgin Islands Force (RVIPF) has recorded an uptick in reports of significant sums of money being stolen from unsecured vehicles. According to the police, thieves pounce upon these vehicles when purses and wallets are left on the seat.

“In two separate incidents, $700 was stolen from a wallet and $1,000 from a purse. Both the wallet and the purse were in the front passenger seat when the monies were stolen. One perpetrator has been identified so far,” the RVIPF said in a statement on Monday.

“Valuables such as handbags, laptops, cellular phones and jewellery left on top of seats or in the centre console of vehicles provide the incentive needed for thieves to enter and steal,” it added.

The police said they are discouraging persons from leaving valuables in their vehicles. However, if there is no alternative, persons should secure these items so they are not visible and lock vehicles every time, he stated.



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