VI News Staff 3 years ago

Mottley: “I Am Not Supporting Mandatory Vaccines”

In a virtual press conference following the UNGA76, Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has reiterated that she is not for mandatory vaccination of Bajans.

“I personally do not like the notion of mandatory vaccines; I don’t. And we had said that we would work as hard as possible to get as many Barbadians… sensitised and I said that I would be the chief one out there trying to do[so], even though I’m not supporting mandatory vaccines.”

Mottley added that the Government had always made the point that it would make tests freely available to people because there are some people who will never be able to be vaccinated because of various reasons – such as medical conditions, religious beliefs and or philosophical position.

“We are reaching a point where we have to sit with the private sector, public sector and the labour movement to determine how best to use the combined approach of vaccinations and testing to ensure that those who have been vaccinated are not unfortunately restricted or removed from being able to pursue their living, and at the same time, those who are not vaccinated are not excluded from participation in a society across an island that is only 166 square miles.”



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