VI News Staff 2 years ago
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No secrecy! Skelton Cline calls for transparency in VI-UK negotiations

Sociopolitical commentator Pastor Claude Skelton Cline has called for a greater level of transparency regarding talks concerning the Commission of Inquiry’s (COI) recommendations between the United Kingdom (UK) and the BVI.

“The public must know what’s being negotiated, the public must know what’s being offered. The public must know. This is what helps to alleviate fears and concerns and brings stability to our home, to this place. The public has a right to know,” Skelton Cline said on his Honestly Speaking radio show yesterday, May 17.

Skelton Cline said while he understood that privacy is a feature of such negotiations, the specifics of what the BVI is currently facing cannot be done in secrecy.

The clergyman also suggested that there is a need for a definitive statement from the United Kingdom about to a way forward.

His comments come on the heels of news by Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley that the newly formed unity government delivered its proposal to the UK on how the COI recommendations should be dealt with.

According to Dr Wheatley, the government’s proposal sets out its approach to reform and presents a framework for implementation under continued democratic governance.

“It represents our commitment to good governance and strengthening our institutions and systems of government,” Dr Wheatley said recently.



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