VI News Staff 2 years ago
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Police Association calls for payment of 'long overdue' increments & allowances - said in some cases ‘discrepancies’ in payments for officers span more than 2 years

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The non-payment of increments and allowances to officers of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) is said to be adding to the frustration and poor morale of members of the RVIPF.

And with the matter remaining unresolved for an extended time, the Executive of the Police Welfare Association (PWA) has decided to make a public appeal to the relevant authorities to fix the issue.

“The Executive of the Police Welfare Association (PWA) is calling on the relevant Competent Authority to implement the necessary systems and functions and pull out all the stops to ensure that their members are paid their long-overdue, outstanding increments and allowances, the PWA stated in a press release today, May 25, 2022.

The PWA, in the press release signed by the Chairman, Acting Inspector Sean A. McCall, said it is calling on the relevant authority to ensure that all its members are paid in time for the May 31, 2022, pay period.

Meanwhile, the RVIPF has declined to comment on the matter.

‘Members have been extremely patient’- PWA

According to the PWA press release, the Police Welfare Association and its members understand the technical nature of the process involved; however, the members have been extremely patient, diligent, and tolerant in their attempts to bring some resolve to these “ailing and aging issues” of non-payment.

It disclosed that the issues and “discrepancies” with payment span a period of over two years, in some cases.

“These are matters of grave concern and rather troubling as it lends their contribution to the existing annoyance, frustration, and poor morale of its members who are no doubt disgruntled.”



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