KINGSHILL — Police were able to track down a couple of home invasion suspects after the Old Fredensborg victim recognized two of the three voices of the masked armed males who entered his home in August.
Manuel Perez, 18, of Old Fredensborg, and an unnamed minor were arrested Saturday and charged with home invasion, false imprisonment and kidnapping, first-degree robbery, first-degree assault, third-degree assault, and unauthorized possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime of violence, the Virgin Islands Police Department said.
“The victim stated the armed men took items of value after brandishing their firearm and threatening him with bodily harm,” VIPD Communications Director Glen Dratte said. “The assailants left the residence with the victim’s video game player, phone, and surveillance camera recorder.”
The victim was able to recognize the voices of his assailants and identified them as Manuel Perez and a minor, according to Dratte. He stated that he knew each male from their Old Fredensborg neighborhood.