VI News Staff 2 years ago
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VI will continue working with US agencies ‘to root out corruption’- Premier Wheatley - says Govt will also work with any regional or foreign law enforcement agencies

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI– Premier Dr The Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has vowed his Government's commitment, as well as that of the local law enforcement agencies, to continue collaborating with foreign law enforcement authorities, including those in the United States (US), to root out corruption in the Virgin Islands (VI).

Dr Wheatley was at the time speaking to the media during a Friday, May 13, 2022, press conference on current matters in the Virgin Islands.

“Of course, law enforcement here through the Governor’s Office, as well as many of our law enforcement agencies, has a strong history of working with the officials in the United States, and that's nothing strange. It happens all the time and information is often shared both ways.

“So, I would expect if the United States needed assistance from our law enforcement officials here in conducting any investigation, our law enforcement here would assist and we support that,” Dr the Hon Wheatley said in response to a question on the subject.

He added his Government wants to root out all forms of corruption and all forms of criminal activity from local society. 



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